Monday, April 13, 2009

Why 'g' ?

Lying in bed in the morning is where we do most of our conscious thinking. Out of the blue Jan said, "what does the 'g' in g-spot stand for?" Goodness knows why she thought of that.

Anyway, I realised that I didn't know either, so a conversation ensued where we tried to fathom this enormous problem.

After much hilarity, we finally agreed that it all depends on where you live.

If you're from Surrey it stands for 'Golly gosh.'

If you're from the East End of London it stands for 'Gor blimey.'

The home counties, 'Good show old bean.'

If you're a seventies child, 'Groovy.'

If you're from Leeds, 'Grrrand.'

The world's problems solved instantly.

1 comment:

Anne in Oxfordshire said...

If you don't know by now you never will :-)

It is ....Gräfenberg spot. Look it up!!

Hope you both enjoyed your trip back to the Uk, coming back to live, doubt it!!