Saturday, December 06, 2008

El Panxa del Bisbe

Hola! from a grey but warm Barcelona. After an uneventful drive down in the Porsche (VW model) we checked into our hotel and then shot over to El Planxa del Bisbe, Carrer de Rabassa, in Gracia, to meet Ben, Paula and grandchild Kate. Lunch had been booked for 3.00pm, can you believe that? You wouldn't even get a phone reply at a restaurant in France at 15.00 never mind booking lunch at such an hour, but this is Barca and everything happens just that bit later here.

Anyway, family Tillott were in fine form and Jan, ignoring all else, spent the first 5 minutes cuddling Kate. At which point Ben (Jan's eldest) held out his hand and said, "Hi, I'm Ben. I'm Kate's father."

This is an excellent and unusual Catalan tapas restaurant that offers just the kind of food that Jan and I like. Plate after plate of different bites kept arriving and we finished lunch at 17.00. Superb.

We love this area of Barcelona. Gracia has a great 'village' feel. Later that evening we, along with lots of other families, strolled back to the hotel in the warm evening air passing many little shops beautifully decorated for Christmas. Perfect.

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