Saturday, August 04, 2007

Course Camarguaise

For the second trip of the day to Sommieres, several of us visited the arene in the late afternoon. I don't feel comfortable supporting the Spanish culture of bull fighting. But I have been to a corrida and it's difficult to defend it. At the end of the day it is the ritualised torture and death of the animal. The odds are stacked against the bull. The bull has no chance and will die.

Course camarguaise, on the other hand, is much more evenly balanced and the bull walks away, proud, unharmed but very out of breath. The choice between 'out of breath' and 'death' is much simpler. Jan, who has a sensitive nature, (except when she is pissed off with me) had initial reservations, but went with us and admitted afterwards that it was exciting and that she enjoyed it.

This article describes a course and pretty much reflects what we saw.

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