Friday, March 30, 2007

As good as it gets

Yesterday started a period of a couple of weeks, that we will spend with only ourselves (and the dogs) for company. We celebrated with a lie in. Poor old Max and Min skulked around the house wondering where James had gone. James has a great rapport with the dogs, taking them for long walks and letting them get onto the sofa with him. We spend hours keeping the dogs under control, and training them, and visitors ruin all the work in a few minutes. Hey ho!


Today was all about two very close sets of tennis where we finished with honours even. Both sets went to a tie-break. Good stuff. After lunch with William, whilst Jan went for lunch with Christine, we went down to the pool area and removed the winter wrapping from the most delicate palms and completed other boring maintenance jobs. The palms had survived the winter well, mostly because it has been fairly mild. Yes, I know, not very interesting but that was as good as it got!

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