Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Playing with new toys

It was a pleasant and fairly relaxed day yesterday. The Lloyds, William and Christine came round for aperos at midday which, as usual, lasted until late afternoon. A nice group of people to spend some time with over Christmas.


Today, 'the boys' came round at 09.30 for doubles. Whilst it was sunny, it was very cold and ice had formed at the end of the court that gets no sun in winter. Anticipating such an event I had bought a large box of salt which soon cleared the problem. I just hope I'm not doing any damage to the surface. I suppose it might bleach it a bit but I doubt it.
A large part of the rest of the day was spent getting Jan's new Palm up and running. If only I followed instructions a bit more carefully, it would not have taken me 2.5 hours. There were subtle, but important, differences with some cables (the cradle to the computer) but I got it all working eventually.


The Lloyds invited us round tonight for dinner. Roast quail for mains all washed down with a delicious Costieres de Nimes. After dinner we played Balderdash into the wee small hours. An excellent evening.

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