Sunday, October 01, 2006

Now, is everyone happy?

Needless to say, E senior and E junior turned up this morning to satisfy their pernickety personalities. The three of us messed about with tape measures and, to my amusement, a metal detector. The metal detector was to be used to find the borne. I started to laugh at him and he thought that I was laughing at his ingenuity. Shame. Anyway, we still couldn't find the borne so, with said tape measures, we all agreed that the marker should be 30 centimetres (12 inches) inside our fence. They looked at me with puzzlement and couldn't believe it when I said, "that's good, it's less garden to deal with." You have to understand the mentality of some French people, where land is all important. The new marker duly planted, I offered to move the fence 12 inches, knowing full well that they would agree and E junior then went off without saying goodbye. I reckon that he was pissed off because he had been thwarted in having a big dispute about the position of the borne. He gained at most 2 square metres of land. Land that is half way up a severe bank and is of absolutely no use to anyone. It would be hilarious if it wasn't so sad. Bless.


This piece about David Blaine made me laugh.

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