Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Being a grandpa

A few quotes that I have read or heard recently and which have made me laugh.

"As for Hitler, he has come in for a lot of criticism, much of it justified, but at least he did something with his life."

"You know your old when you find that they've discontinued your blood type."

"I've told you a million times to stop exaggerating."


We both went to the hairdresser today. There are just the two of them, Alain and Joelle, husband and wife (a typical French setup given the labour laws) and at one point they had 5 people in various states of hair cut, wash or colour. They struggle to juggle (I like that - struggle to juggle) that many people and what, for us, should take no more than 40 minutes, actually takes 75 minutes. Still they're nice people and I always have a joke with him.
Today's bon mot was, " Je viens toujours ici ressemblant à une grenouille mais laisse toujours ressembler à une grenouille très propre." OK, so it made him laugh.

Jan's daughter Rebecca, partner Trevor and their daughters Maisie and Elsie arrived this afternoon. Maisie is 3 years old and it doesn't take long to have her laughing, especially as we have a 'big secret' which involves buying her a 'huge' present. Not a small one, it has to be huge. I like being a grandpa!
Oh, and by the way, the bath pug that I bought today fitted perfectly. It's a boy thing!

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