Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Assumption or ascension?

It's a national holiday today, The Day of the Assumption. This day celebrates the assumption of Mary into heaven. If you look here you realise that very little is known about this event, or in fact whether it happened at all, which in my humble opinion is hardly a good reason, for a so called secular State, to have a national holiday. If Chirac had a quiet word with the unions, do you think that maybe he could get them to give up the holiday? What do you think? Anyway, who am I to complain, a day off, is a day off! (But you're on a permanent day off! - Ed.)
This reminds me of an incident at my school (a Jesuit College) when the class was being taught by a priest, who not only taught us physics but also religious education. This happened during a physics lesson where the conversation centred on the speed of light and such things.

Priest, pointing at a boy with his hand up: "Yes Medlycott, what do you want?"

Medlycott: "Please sir, do you know at what speed Our Lady ascended into heaven?"

Laugh, I never thought my trousers would dry. We must have been a nightmare for these priests. Funnily enough the boy in question subsequently studied for the priesthood but now he is happily married with children.


I have a thing about shoes. At the point that you first analyse someone, I always look at their shoes. For me, shoes are an important clue about someone's character and outlook. The men's shoes that always gave me the heebie-jeebies were 'Jesus' sandals. To me they were always worn with shorts by a man with a beard and a pipe. If he was really naff and couldn't give a shit what anyone thought about his dress sense, he wore socks as well. Not that he knew what dress sense was. The next types of shoes that I dislike are made by Clarks and they look like Cornish Pasties. They are sold as 'natural fitting' shoes, as if there is anything natural about wearing Cornish Pasties on your feet.
In women's shoes, a big no-no are white stiletto heels especially if worn with jeans. To me it always looks common but at least there was always the knowledge that if she liked you, you might have 'a good time', if you know what I mean?
Bye the way, in the last few years Jan has got me wearing Jesus sandals, but I haven't yet grown a beard or smoke a pipe and I definitely don't wear socks with them. Well not yet!

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