Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Wot, another sandwich!

There I was, this morning, rereading Bill Bryson's Notes from a Small Island, and he was writing about coincidences. I mention this because we had to visit a Notaire this morning and we knew his address, but weren't sure of its location. On the way into the town (pop. 1500) I stopped at the Post Office and asked a group of people standing outside, (stretch your imagination because this is in French), "Excuse me, but I'm looking for Route de St Jean de Serres. I have an appointment with Maitre S." There was a slight pause and the only male in the group of 4 said, "Yes, that's me. Can I help you?" Now that's a coincidence.


I think that I'm now officially a very 'sad person'. This morning I downloaded a World Cup Wallchart. Well, at least it will give Jan some ammunition for the next few years.
Talking about Jan and ammunition, she sent me this today:

"Men have two emotions; they are either hungry or horny. If you see one without an erection, make him a sandwich."

Trouble is, all I ever get is a bloody sandwich!


At long last I've finally got the pool alarm installed and working. It has been mandatory for some time now for all in ground pools to be equipped with some form of accident prevention. This is a good site that explains the situation sensibly and in English. However, in my opinion, it's overkill. The whole of France has had to install some form of accident prevention device for the small number of swimming pool deaths that occur each year. The money would have been better spent educating French drivers in order to reduce the thousands of deaths on French roads. Or better still, follow the lead of just about every other European country in banning smoking in public places. But then pool owners are not likely to riot or go on strike are they?

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