Monday, November 14, 2005

Out with the old and in with the new

As Jan went off to her art class, I pondered which of the many outstanding jobs I would tackle this morning. One job, which I knew I would enjoy, was to tidy up an old computer which was sitting doing nothing in the study, and see if we could give it a deserving home. The spec is fairly old, being a Win 98 machine, but it hasn't much memory and so it isn't suited to XP or anything too fancy. It will be fine for a beginner, someone who wants to learn how to type letters or do a bit of surfing and I have someone in mind.


Knowing that I'm an Ikea fan, Will sent me this article. Like it or loathe it, you can't help but be impressed with what the man has acheived. We were in fact thinking of going today because we have a houseful of guests (16) for a week over Christmas and we'll need lots of toys and stuff, especially for the four children (never mind me) to amuse themselves with. I'll enjoy buying all that!

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