Monday, September 05, 2005

Quick it's raining, into the pool

It rained this morning, great, and rain is forecast for the next four days. The upside is that it will make our visitors from Scotland feel at home. For me, the rain is a welcome relief and will provide some natural irrigation for the garden. The tennis court is the only green thing around here at the moment, everything else being some shade of brown, and that includes Jan and I. Despite the rain, which ceased temporarily, Robert and the children went into the pool, which was still warm at 28c, for one last dip.


After the trip to the airport, we popped into Truffaut for some food for Max, then onto the Asian supermarket for Jan to stock up with things oriental. It's more a warehouse than a shop, and the smell of spices hits you in the guts as soon as you walk in. It brings back memories of many a happy curry meal. So much so, that we looked at Ryanair to see if it was feasible to fly to the UK for a curry night!

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