Friday, April 01, 2005

It's not fair being a man

Today I upset Jan. In the great scheme of things it was a small event but boy how it blossomed. What was my sin? - I complained about lunch! I suppose that's what they mean by in vino veritas, a couple of glasses and you tell the truth.

I conservatively estimate that the number of times I have complimented Jan on her prowess as a cook will be approximately (gets his calculator out because the need for balance here is important) 8760. Jan is a great cook and I love eating her food!! Now maybe I was under the weather, being absent minded, or foolishly, just speaking my mind, but I happened to mention that lunch was substandard.

I knew she was upset. There were lots of little clues, like kitchen knives being sharpened, the sudden appearance of weed killer in the kitchen, the odd attempted knee in the groin, and worst of all, she stopped talking to me.

I mentioned my problem to Floyd, who happened to call from the UK, and he found it all hilarious. He sided with Jan immediately, stating that she could serve dog shit and that it would still taste delicious. Nothing if not imaginative our Floyd!

He went on to remind me, (this is Floyd, who is still single at 42) that a woman will conveniently forget thousands of compliments, but will remember the one complaint, and refer to it in an argument 10 years later. It's not fair being a man!

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