Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Food and more food

Auntie Pia makes all our favourite dishes. Each meal is huge. Typically we start every meal with a little appetiser - like little artichoke cakes covered in a rich cheese sauce - then some kind of pasta - like ravioli filled with spinach and sage. The third course is either meat or fish - roasted veal with spinach. The forth course is a selection of cheese. Jan loves the fresh ricotta which Dino proudly points out is pecorino (sheeps milk) and my favorite is fresh mozzarella - burrata, which has an unblievably creamy taste inside. We both adore Italian food and for me it is the most satisfying. The fifth course is local grown mandarins and oranges and because we are special guests out come the cakes. All the above swilled down with wines and liqueurs. Even the liqueurs are home made - limoncello, Jan's favourite. Each meal is like this and we have no idea how to cope, but somehow we do.

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